52 on Friday – Low Angle

Welcome to my 52 week Photo Project!

In an effort to post more images to my blog, and continue to improve as a photographer, this year I joined a group called the Beautiful Beasties Network. The Beautiful Beasties Network is an online community of pet photographers, and one of the main reasons I joined was to participate in the 52 on Friday Project. Every week a different pet photographer from across the globe chooses a theme, which each photographer participating interprets in their own way.  We all post our images to our blogs at the same time and link up in a “Blog Ring” which you can follow along by clicking the link below my images.  This week’s theme is Low Angle Photography.

I actually use a low angle pretty often, if I am photographing a dog I can almost guarantee I will be on the ground on my belly at least once.  It’s the same with photographing children as well.  Getting down on their level, or even below eye level can add so much to a photograph.  I hope you enjoy!  This week’s model is Coco, and as a itty bitty Morkie, getting below eye level on this one was tough!

Low Angle PhotographyLow Angle PhotographyLow Angle Photography

Next up is Emma Grace Photography in Tampa Bay FL!


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