A Dog’s Life!

I stopped by A Dog’s Life in New Haven today to measure for a new display I have going up, and I just happened to take my camera with me 😉 It was so fun to play with the dogs in their indoor doggie daycare facility. A Dog’s Life has a huge play space with toys the dogs can climb onto, slide off of, and play tug-o-war with! I tried to capture a dog doing at least one of each:

If you follow my blog, you know that A Dog’s Life has hosted me a couple of times for various events, always benefiting a great cause. I love to work with other companies who support the area rescues and shelters, it makes my job that much more meaningful. A Dog’s Life offers daycare, overnight boarding, and a fabulous selection of foods, treats, and toys. If you are in the New Haven area, and are looking for a dog day care, stop by and check them out! I don’t think you’ll be disappointed!

One response to “A Dog’s Life!”

  1. […] This is the photography display I recently put up in A Dog’s Life. It is a collage containing photos from several of the A Dog’s Life regular clients who I photographed last year.  This is a large 20 x 30 print just inside the doorway.  Stop by to see it in person, and check out all that Amy carries.  You will find the best food and toys in town!  Oh, and your dog will LOVE her daycare facility!  To see some photos I’ve taken inside the facility, click here. […]