Peekaboo, A Child’s Portrait

I try to limit my posts about Colin and Tucker, or this could quickly become the Tucker and Colin show because I take SO MANY photos of them.  But this series was a fun one, and I think when you’re photographing a child, whether it’s for a portrait or just a snapshot, it’s important to keep it fun.  I know I will look back on this game of Peek-a-Boo and be happy that I captured it in photos.  Colin was just standing up on the couch looking out the window and I noticed that the light was nice for a photo.  I quickly grabbed my camera and started a game with him.  As Colin is getting older, he’s getting even more difficutl to photograph.  He knows I want him to look at me, so he won’t.  He also wants to see the camera and look at himself on the LCD.  If we are outside and he’s free to run away, he does!

I loved this series in color as well, but I love using black and white photography when working with kids.  It helps to give it that timeless feel I think, which is something that is important to me.  I want your child’s portrait on your wall today, and 10 years from now.

Peekaboo Child Portrait