Madison Neighbors Magazine March

March Madison Neighbors Magazine

It was so much fun to meet and photograph this family for the March Madison Neighbors Magazine!  Of course I was naturally excited to hear they had two little scruffs who were going to accompany them!  The people, and the little scruffs, were wonderful!

Both Mary and Kirk come from the financial industry (Wall Street, NYC), however now Mary is the current CEO of Girls Scouts of Connecticut.

They first purchased their Madison house as just a weekend home but fell in love with Madison and moved here full time in 2012.

The couple spend a lot of time at the beach, often pouring a glass of wine and sitting at the beach watching the sun set. They are big walkers. Kirk is also a gym rat and works out whenever he has free time. He works mostly from his home office but still goes to Wall Street once a week.  Kirk is also an avid reader who graciously lent me his copy of Gentleman in Moscow after I mentioned how I was looking forward to reading it. Mary prefers the kitchen, she loves to cook.  They both love to dine out and they are both heavily into community volunteer work. Kirk just joined the board of ‘Neighbor to Neighbor, and Mary is also on several boards, aside from doing a lot of work for the Girl Scouts.

 They live near the beach in Madison in a lovely, welcoming home.


March Madison Neighbors Magazine March Madison Neighbors Magazine March Madison Neighbors Magazine March Madison Neighbors Magazine