Shoreline Pet Lodge Pet Photography Display {Branford Pet Photography}

I recently had the pleasure of discovering Branford’s Shoreline Pet Lodge. What a beautiful facility, everything looked fresh and new, though I’ve been told they have been in business for almost 25 years! I came to the facility first because Shoreline Pet Lodge agreed to let Project Underdog host training in the new Doggie Daycare and Training room. I then met the owner who was very nice and personable and we discussed my putting a pet photography display up in their lobby. What a wonderful area to have my work on display!  I have two 20×30″ canvases right as you walk into the office.  I chose two photos, one of Tazzy a rescued Husky, and one of Hunter, a Shiba Inu. These dogs belong to the resident trainer at Shoreline Pet Lodge, Jade of Polite Paws, LLC in Branford.  She gets to look at these photos of her dogs every day when she goes to work!  Here are a couple shots of the lobby, but really you should go by and see them yourself!

Two Canvases Artwork Share SHoreline Pet Lodge