Leash Removal! Of course!

Occasionally I will receive an inquiry from a potential client with this question: What do you do if my dog can’t be off lead? The answer is simple, Keep them on lead! I actually encourage owners to keep their dogs on lead. I just use Photoshop for leash removal after the fact. First of all, safety is the top concern. No photo is worth endangering the dog! Secondly, a lot of dogs who are off lead turn off their ears to commands. I do try to mix in a lot of play during my photo sessions to keep dogs interested, but I do need some cooperation from the dog as well, so they can’t completely tune out.

Black Labrador Leash RemovalBlack Labrador Leash Removal























Now you know, all the dogs I photograph are not off lead romping through the fields! In fact I would say most are on leash! If you are interested in an outdoor session with me, contact me at [email protected], or 203-710-9945.