Bumi Tug Toy

Does your dog have a favorite toy?  Tucker may have a new favorite, and that is the Bumi Tug Toy!

Tucker will play fetch, but only with his Jolly Ball, or his Flying Squirrel. Tennis ball, the all time Labrador favorite across the world, does not hold his attention. In an attempt to get him to branch out, and possibly play tug with me, I just got him a Bumi Tug Toy. Supposedly this thing is indestructible, and even floats! I read an interesting article about playing tug of war with your dog and wanted to try it out.  I cleared this with Jade of Polite Paws because, as she will attest, I call or text her when anything comes up with Tucker.  Poor Jade she might be wishing I didn’t have her cell number right about now 🙂  She always responds and walks be through anything having to do with him.

What say you? Will your dog play fetch with anything? Any strong Tug-O-War-ers out there?

He looks good playing fetch!

Bumi Tug Toy

Even when he can’t see:

Bumi Tug Toy

Bumi Tug Toy