52 on Friday – Re-Visit, Re-Edit a Photo

Our task this week was the Re-Visit, Re-Edit, or Re-do a photo! Often we go back through our work after we have advanced and we see things we missed, or things we would have done differently. Here I decided to re-visit a photo from last summer of the handsome Mr Mellow.

This is the image as I left it last summer:

His coat was perfect, but in the photo I felt I left it looking a little bit dingy, so here I cleaned it up just a bit:

Working on green grass, you often get a green cast on the coat of the dog (or any subject really).

Lastly I just brightened slightly using Curves.

As you can see, there isn’t a dramatic difference between the first photo and the last. This image didn’t need a lot of post production, and my style is very natural, so in many of my images, there is not a lot of post production. In my opinion these small adjustments in his coat made a difference, and I am much happier with the photo now.