Rescue Radio! 104.1 in Connecticut

It has just come to my attention that the radio station 104.1 in Connecticut has a link on their website called Rescue Radio.

Wow, I love this radio station already! Every week they feature a new dog from the local animal shelters on their Rescue Radio page. I was out at the Dan Cosgrove Animal Shelter in Branford, CT and Laura the director mentioned this to me. I just checked it out today and there are photos that I have taken posted up on their website! How cool is that! I love supporting other businesses who support Rescue, so I am now officially a 104.1 fan!
As I was scrolling down through the photos, I noticed this one I took of Nino back in the spring. What a ham! Nino is a big lush and is looking for a home to call his own!

Terrier Mix Rescue Dog
Nino is such a Goofball! Love him!